Saturday, January 14, 2017

The MONSTER at the end of this Book starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover.........

This is my favorite children's book. It isn't a fantastic piece of literature, but it is fun to read to small children. Furthermore, it holds a pretty applicable message. Sometimes we imagine monsters where they simply don't exist. We dread them. We fear them. We prepare for them. In the end, there is nothing there but our own often senseless fear.

Image result for the monster at the end of this book


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Rebecca. This is a very interesting choice of story. It is important to talk to children about their fears and help them not to be afraid. Many children and even adults are afraid of many things like monsters under the bed, in the closet or just the dark in general. This is a nice, fun way to show children they don't have to be afraid. Thanks for sharing.
