Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Deeper Look at the NHSA.

Image result for nhsa image

The National Head Start Association (NHSA) website provides four different areas of focus.  The Center for the States, The Center for Advocacy, The Center for Effective Practice, and The Center for Policy, Data, and Research are all areas under the Center for Knowledge within the website.  The Center for Effective Practice is of particular interest to me as it contains information on various credentials, professional learning communities, and conferences available for parents and professionals.  There are three Learning Community groups geared towards advocacy and assisting families. 
  • Implicit Biases: "The Implicit Bias Learning Community serves as a vehicle to build understanding in the Head Start field around what others have done to tackle the implicit bias and discrimination faced by the children and families they serve. It will also enable us to build strong and perhaps new relationships with community partners who can make a difference for those we serve"(
  • Building Bridges: An invitation only community to share ideas, inspirations and strategies for how you are dealing with potential issues and supporting all families. We can will address concerns, innovative ideas, and best practices for engaging the immigrant and refugee communities (
  • Family Service Learning Community: Membership is open to individuals who coordinate social service activities, contact and make referrals to community resources, and parent with families and support them in transitions in and out of programs and services (
These groups can only be accessed of Head Start professionals meet certain criteria and are screened prior to joining. 

Additional Resources Within NHSA:

The NHSA website also provides links to several national news organizations including the Huff Post and The Hill. Anytime an article is published in the United States regarding the successes of Head Start or policy and legislative changes, the NHSA website provides viewers links to the information.

As a member of the NHSA, I also have access to resources that can be used for program improvement.  While researching for this week's blog, I came across a Staff Wellness Tool Kit that I plan to print and read through. Staff mental and physical wellness is a huge challenge in this field and particularly in Head Start. Our children come into our programs with many deficits and often very difficult lives. Strong mental health is necessary in order to avoid burnout in those first few years.  The website also includes additional tool kits for meeting health requirements and overcoming the barriers that cause chronic absenteeism.



The National Head Start Association (2017) Retrieved from


  1. Hello Rebecca,
    You have done an outstanding job on your blog posting. I love the NHSA and what it stands for. There is so much knowledge you can gain from this site. Thank you for sharing even more information that when you dig deeper you can find so much more knowledge. I love this degree program because it is expanding my horizons and encouraging me to dig deeper to expand my knowledge. As as Head Start educator this site has a big impact on my heart. Have a marvelous week!

  2. Hi Rebecca
    This website seem quite interesting and useful for my own professional development. I do agree that as teachers we must be mentally strong because it can become a challenge to deal with differences in each student. Overtime it can certainly become stressful. Thanks for sharing this, I will certainly be looking into this website. Amazing Work with your blog once again!

  3. Hi Rebecca,
    I really enjoyed reading about the website that you followed and the blog that you made was on point. After reading your blog I went on the website myself and was intrigued by all of the information that I obtained. When I go to work tomorrow I am going to print some of the information off so that I can share it with my colleagues. Great post Rebecca keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
