Friday, July 27, 2018

Additional Community of Practice Members

Association for Early Learning Leaders
The first addition to my community of practice is the Association for Early Learning Leaders (AELL). They provide professional development in webinar or face-to-face formats for leaders, directors, and administrators.They also assist private for-profit, Head Start, and non-profit centers with accreditation through the National Accreditation Association. Their mission is the following: "The Association for Early Learning Leaders is committed to excellence in the field of Early Care and Education by promoting leadership development and enhancing program quality" ( AELL brings a different view of professional development in early childhood as they rely heavily on web-based training. AELL could potentially offer input on the use of technology and web-based learning for professional development. 

Website URL:              

Design Impact
The second group I would invite to the table is Design Impact. This group. although not necessarily early childhood focused, promotes and facilitates design thinking for organizations working for social change. They assist groups with thinking "outside the box" in order to change and improve the world around them. Design Impact's mission is the following: "We use design to address pressing community issues, equip leaders, and inspire communities" ( Design impact will provide insight on the aesthetic of professional development. They focus on color, physical design, comfort, spacing, and grouping to maximize participant learning.  

Website URL:                         Image result for design impact

The third group I would invite into my community of practice is HighScope. I taught using HighScope methods for many years. I learned so much from their trainings and it truly changed the way I teach. Their view of professional development is the following: "We know that adults respond when trainers are sensitive to their needs and learning styles. The result is a broad range of learning opportunities that span small-group conversations, large-group dialogue, personal reflection, observation, and feedback, all following our active participatory learning philosophy modeled in our curriculum" ( Their training style incorporates many of the elements that I want to bring into my workshops. 

Wesite URL:                                 HighScope

Job Opportunities

Executive Director for Discover Zone: Discover Zone is a 175 child, 35 staff member full-service childcare organization in Kentucky. The Executive Director's position calls for business administration and financial management skills. I currently do not possess the skills necessary for non-profit budgeting for a large organization. 

Another job that interests me is adjunct teaching at the local community college in their early childhood education department. First, I need to complete my masters degree. Then I need to gain additional skills in working with adult learners through training and workshops. 


Association for Early Learning Leaders. (2018). Retrieved from  https://www.earlylearning 

Design Impact (2018). Retrieved from  

HighScope. (2018). Retrieved from   

1 comment:

  1. The Design Impact is an organization that is of interest to me. As you stated, although it is not an ECE organization, they can really give some good intel on ways to design classrooms to make it inviting for the children and their families. Not only classrooms, but any setting that involves children and families. This is a good resource.
