Friday, August 24, 2018

My Final Blog

Here we are! The end of a lot of hard work and sacrifice. I for one have sacrificed my yoga practice in order to study and complete assignments. I've also sacrificed a lot of sleep. I know you all have made plenty of sacrifices yourself to complete this degree. 

I want to take a moment to to thank each of you and my instructors for every discussion board response, blog response, compliment, and words of encouragement. These have guided, encouraged, and directed me each and every week. Some of our courses have been easy to grasp and others have required significantly more effort. I can count on all of you to push me further than I ever thought imaginable.  

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I have learned many valuable lessons in this program. First, I learned that I don't have to know everything. I just need to know how and where to find it. I have learned to research before I ask questions and in doing so, I want to pass along this skill to others. Teaching people how to research is something that is now being incorporated into my trainings. Second, I have learned that I am capable of learning from an online program. I know this sounds odd, but I was really nervous about using an online program at the beginning. Technology is not the issue. I am a face-to-face, conversationalist, so online is a little intimidating to me. Third, I have learned the importance of effective and productive written communication. This has greatly improved my written communication and allows me to set an example within my agency. 

I plan to to continue my work in early childhood education working with adults. My long-term goal in this area is to support and educate teachers in my agency in order to create a positive work culture. Along these same lines, I plan to complete my doctorate in education within the next eight years. This will enable me to work with adults at the college level in early childhood education. 

I also want to include a video for you. I used this video in our blog many months ago but I still love it. It reminds me of why we teach, why we work so hard, and why it makes a difference. 

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca,
    Creating a positive work culture for adults in the education field is such a great goal! I think all educators can bring to mind a work setting that was not ideal so finding a way to make positivity the norm would be fantastic. I hope that your time can return to yoga before you embark on your next professional journey of obtaining a doctorate! Congratulations and best wishes!
