Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Child Maltreatment: A Public Health Concern

Maltreatment of children is a public health issue throughout the world with lasting mental and physical health effects into adulthood.  Merrick and Latzman (2014) write that "child maltreatment has been linked to a variety if short and long term health consequences including poor physical and mental health, changes to brain architecture and development, altered biological factors, reduced cognitive ability and educational achievement, and impaired psycho social functioning" (p. 1). Throughout the article, they point out that child maltreatment due to neglect, physical abuse, and sexual exploitation increase visits to the emergency room, doctor's offices, and clinics. This abuse not only harms the child but places an additional strain on the already overburdened medical care system.

Child maltreatment is also becoming an increasing burden on my school system. We are currently training on providing trauma informed care to our students who have been victims of abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and malnutrition.  These students show decreased emotional control, cognitive delays, and an inability to connect with peers.  There behaviors cause us to seek mental health care and special education services.  Again, this places a burden on an already overwhelmed mental health care system and education system due to an issue that is 100% preventable.

Child sexual exploitation is a growing concern everywhere but especially in India. The India Times published an article in 2007 about the increase in sexual exploitation of children stating that in 88.6% of children were exploited by parents ranging from rape to fondling.  Another article in the same paper published in 2016, recounts incidents of child rape by staff of a group home for children.  One child was infected with HIV at age twelve due to rape from a 58 year old male manager.  Obviously, there is still much progress to be made in India regarding child maltreatment in all areas including sexual exploitation, child labor, physical abuse, and neglect.

Anwar, Tarique. (2016). Sexual exploitation, rapes& abuse. a look inside india's hellish juvenile
     correction homes. The India Times. Retrieved from:      s-hell-holes-sexual-exploitation-forced-lesbianism-and-physical-abuse-children-take-it-all-at-              juvenile-homes-261747.html

Latzmen, N. & Merrick, M. (2014). A public health overview and prevention considerations.
     The online journal of issues in nursing. 19, 1-12. DOI: 10.3912/OIJN.vol19No01Man02.

The Times of India. (2010). Over 53% of children face sexual abuse: survey. Retrieved from                                      Survey/articleshow/1881344.cms


  1. Maltreatment is a horrible topic to think about. It makes me sad to think that children globally are being put in uncomfortable and unimaginable situations that even adults cannot handle. To think a child has become a victim to sexual abuse, exploitation, and neglect only strengthens the passion we have to help children MORE and to give them the proper care they need. I was shocked that the percentage of maltreatment in India was so high. WOW! That alone is sad.
    Cassandra Richards

  2. If you ever find yourself in Cincinnati, visit the Freedom Center. They have an exhibit on human exploitation around the world. It is truly eye opening and sickening. I went this past fall. It's part of the reason I chose maltreatment as a topic rather than the ones that were offered. We have a really big issue with human trafficking here in Cincinnati and northern Kentucky.

  3. Hi Rebecca,
    I also wrote about India this week (clean water). I can't even begin to imagine what these children go through on a daily basis. With almost 90 percent of children being exploited, you have to wonder who is standing up for ANY of the children in India. Between the lack of clean water and the sexual abuse, I'm not even sure where to begin. Makes you feel helpless as I sit here in my cozy house where I lack nothing.
    Ashley Zapien

  4. Hi Rebecca
    Very touching topic. I am always so sick to my stomach when I see children in these situations. It aggravates me because I always say that children should not have to suffer in this way because they are clueless and cannot protect themselves form it. I have noticed that maltreatment also stems from early pregnancies. Teenagers are not usually physically, psychologically and financially ready for parenthood, therefore the children become victims of maltreatment. It further leads to abuse by relatives(physical, emotional and sexual) since they would have to left in the care of them for the teenage mother and father to go back to school. I see and hear cases of these things happening all over the world. This affects the psyche and behaviors of our children in this generation and will affect generations to come.
