Friday, October 27, 2017

Teachers as Researchers 

My simulation involves researching the correlation between co-teaching relationships and CLASS scores. I hypothesize that teachers with healthy, productive co-teaching relationships have higher CLASS scores and consequently higher outcomes for children. If a correlation exists, I would hope that this would influence professional development to assist teachers with developing the most effective relationship possible.

Clearly, teachers would directly benefit from professional development created as a result of this research. Imagine how much more fulfilling teaching would be if the teachers in the classroom worked productively and professionally with one another. I have seen classrooms with teachers that clearly do not get along. The tension in the room is palatable. The children tend to be more aggressive, have more issues with whining and tattling, and seem less secure with the routine. All of these behaviors erode CLASS scores in all three domains. Lower CLASS scores are an indication of a negative learning environment, and that environment has a direct impact on children. If teachers can be trained to develop positive relationships with one another, this would create a positive learning environment which would have an impact on the children as well as the teachers.

Teaching is so much more than creating cute activities and reading to children. True teachers conduct qualitative and quantitative research everyday and may not even realize it! Teachers watch children for signs of growth and development, signs of struggle, and sign of progress. They count steps, hops, jumps, and accomplishments to establish trends and milestones. Teachers must be keen observers to know what topics interest their students and then conduct research on how to teach those topics. They must also be able to reflect and analyze their own teaching practices in order to improve.


  1. Class is my favorite scoring system for observations. Class offers a new outlook on how a child is taught and how a teacher learners to teach. Creative Steps CDC is scored twice a year with CLASS. The daycare is given a grade and it is determined on all the classroom scores that have been observed and scored using score.

    1. When Head Start first started using CLASS I was skeptical. The initial presentation made CLASS seem punitive to teachers and not as if it were a teaching tool. In hindsight, I think that was the fault of the presenter and not CLASS. It was just a terrible first impression that made everyone nervous. That was also during a period of time when they would only release agency-wide scores and not individual scores. We really took issue with that. My argument was this: I am incredibly good a the Classroom Organization Domain. It comes naturally. I am NOT good at some aspects of instructional support. The teacher next door to me is the opposite. Why would I need to focus on improving in the same area as she does just because you are only releasing agency-wide scores? We can't all possible need to focus on the same domain. No I like CLASS and I tell my teachers that it will reveal what they are naturally great at doing and what they need to improve on. It can actually serve as a relief because now you can focus on improving certain aspects of your practice instead of going crazy trying to fix things that aren't broken.

  2. Hello Rebecca,
    Thank you for doing an excellent job on your Blog this week. It is full of pertinent information about good teaching practices. I valued your statement when you said, "True teachers conduct qualitative and quantitative research everyday and may not even realize it!" That is so true,I didn't realize the amount of research I do each day in my classroom until I took this course. Also I just wanted to thank you for being a great mentor in this class. I have learned a wealth of knowledge from your posts and your comments this semester. I wish you a wonderful next 8 weeks in your next class. Have a fantastic week!

    1. Hello Rebecca
      Thank you for sharing such valuable information regarding the teacher evaluation CLASS. This observation tool is a great way to measure teacher/student teaching and learning outcomes. I wish you much success in your future educational endeavors. I've appreciated your postive/thought provoking input throughout this course. You are truly a leader and difference maker.

  3. I agree that your audience would target teachers. I would hope to learn about the co-teaching process and how it would benefit students with disabilities
