Friday, December 22, 2017

Professional Hopes and Goals
After the recent event with a parent that I referenced in my discussion post, my hope is that we all not only become anti-biased educators but that we also find a way to teach others, such as the parents of our students, to be eradicate their biases. My center is a fairly happy and harmonious place where most families get along well and work together.  However, recent events such as the one this past week remind me that there are still ripples and waves of racism in our midst.  
                                   Image result for mixed race families
My personal goal is to be able to handle these situations with grace while preserving the dignity of every parent in the situation. I was thoroughly caught off-guard by the microaggression displayed by this parent, but I stood my ground. I just wish that I had the skills to turn it into an educational opportunity or the parent rather than a "shut-down" type of situation. For the early childhood field as a whole, I would love to see more training on how to handle these types of situations, more writings and articles about how to prevent them, and more stories of how others have dealt with the "isms" in their educational settings. 
Image result for mixed race families
I certainly want to thank all of you for your insights this term. This course has been eye opening and I consider it a privilege to have experienced it with all of you! I truly appreciate the diversity within our own group and the perspectives that you have ll brought to the discussions and blogs. I could not have possibly had a better group of colleagues with which to share this course, I am humbled by your experiences and the lessons I have learned form all of you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 


  1. Hello Rebecca
    Excellent response and appreciative comments to your final blog Rebecca. You are truly an inspiration for what you say and do and I believe that you will continue to set the best goals for children and families. I think as educators, we are all going to experience some sort of resentment and bias throughout our work along the way but it truly takes a compassionate, understanding, individual such as yourself to relate and make the change. Best of luck in all you do.

  2. Thank you for your kind words Denise! Best of luck to you as well.
