Saturday, February 17, 2018

Group and Project Work at CD 1

     I have not had the opportunity to participate in any team or group projects in my professional setting. I have certainly participated in overall program improvements but never any projects with a specific goal or timeline.  I have, however, had the opportunity to participate in a training group this past summer at a Conscious Discipline training. At the beginning of the Conscious Disciple CD 1 training, a week-long 43 hour CD training, we were seated randomly. I was seated with a group of people I had never met. There were teachers from all over the nation at our table of eight. None of us knew one another but by the end of the week we were all friends!

     The week began with introductions and required interactive activities. These were conducted in the normal, tentative manner typical of people that do not know one another and have not built trust. By days two and three, we began to work together, talk, and learn about each other's professional lives.  By day four, we were opening up about our personal lives. By day five, we were a little disappointed at having to do activities with other groups. 

     My colleagues were in different groups that were not getting along as well. As a result, their learning experience was greatly affected, and they expressed concern at dinner each evening with their group leader's ability to conduct inclusive conversations and interactions. The leader of my group was quite adept at including everyone and making each of us feel as though we were valuable contributors to the conversation. 

     As we adjourned our group after seven days together, we had a photo made with the training instructor, we went to lunch together, and created a Facebook group where we can all still communicate about our CD journey. We also made sure we took plenty of photos and exchanged contact information. The likelihood that we will see one another again is not great as we live in different states. However, we still keep in touch via social media and email. I believe that these types of connections are made for a reason and it is important to maintain them to the best of our ability. 

     As we progress through our journey for our Masters, there are many of you that I hope to meet in person. I genuinely enjoy discussions and blogs with each of you and I look forward to a face-to-face conversation! 


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    That must have been a new experience meting people of the same profession but from different places. I think it does not take long for professionals to share a common goal and get acquainted with each other. It is always disappointing to lose touch with people you just started to know. I know that feelings because I experienced that in a workshop organized by my school district at the beginning of the school year. Everyone has been involved in some kind of group. This might be part of a group project, a sports team, grade level groups or even part of family or wedding planning. To work effectively, groups require everyone’s participation, commitment, shared vision, and understanding of a common goal.

    I agree with you that working in a group require everyone’s participation, commitment, shared vision, and understanding of a common goal. It is really a horrible experience working with a group that is not getting along because nothing can be accomplished in that group. To function successfully in a small group, we need to be able to communicate clearly on intellectual and emotional levels. Hope the group was able to achieve the goals. Having a good group leader helps a lot where the members are not getting along like the group to here. A good leader would have been able to bring everyone together. This group needed cohesion and the leader should have made everyone consider themselves as a unit. Cohesive group performs better than non-cohesive group. (O'Hair,2015) It is nice that you people are still able to connect via social media and email.


    O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M., Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J. (2015). Real

    communication (3rd. ed).New York: Bedford/St. Martin's. P.262

  2. I agree with you on meeting some of our colleagues in person. This has been a long journey. Some people I have shared many classes with and others maybe just one, but it would be great to finally meet each other face to face, maybe that day will come when we walk across the stage.

  3. Hello Rebecca
    It seems as though you received a great deal of enlightening experience with your newly formed group.It was good to see how well you all came together and were able to share your opinions and concerns so professionally. The commitment and communication in a team is very important and a goal that everyone can agree on makes the difference when working together. You were certainly able to acknowledge this. Best wishes to you in the future and maybe we can work together again soon.

  4. Rebecca
    It is so amazing how such great friendships can be formed in such a short time. I think I long for the same as you, to meet with some of you in person someday. We have such great interactions through these classes and I believe that we can learn so much more from each other. Yet another great Blog Rebecca. Keep up the great work! And maybe we should meet some

  5. Hi Rebecca
    I could not end without say a big big big 'THANK YOU' to you. You may not know this, but your work greatly inspires me. On a weekly basis I read your blogs and discussion posts, although I may not always respond. you inspire me and much of my work as well. I can safely say that you have driven me far ahead in this journey and I want to say, keep up the excellent work and continue doing what you do because you are great at it! Thanks again to you. I would love to stay in contact.......I am sure we can learn much more from each other. All the best in your future endeavors.

  6. Thank you! That means so much to me. It has been a tough semester for me both personally and professionally. I begin my specialization in the next course in teaching adults in early childhood. I certainly hope our paths cross one day!
